Katalin Mády
For the full list of publications, please go to the website of the Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
Detailed information is available at Katalin Mády's records in the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT).
Selected publications
- Mády, Katalin; Molnár, Cecília Sarolta; Kohári, Anna & Szalontai, Ádám (2024): A magyar eldöntendő kérdések intonációjának tónus alapú modellezése budapesti és erdélyi spontán párbeszédekben. Nyelvelmélet és nyelvleírás konferencia, Budapest. [download]
- Mády, Katalin & Reichel, Uwe D. (2023): Prosodic and spectral characteristics of non-lexical units with different communicative loads. 47. Österreichische Linguistiktagung, Graz.[download]
- Mády, Katalin; Kohári, Anna; Molnár, Cecília Sarolta; Szalontai, Ádám & Reichel, Uwe. D. (2023): Prosodic cues of distinguishing neutral and non-neutral yes/no questions in Hungarian: the acoustics of surprise. Proc. ICPhS Prague, 1608–1612. [download]
- Krepsz, Valélira; Huszár, Anna & Mády, Katalin (2021): The relationship between boundary markers and audible inhalation in Hungarian read speech. Proc. 1st TAI, Sonderborg, 254–258. [download]
- Karpiński, Maciej; Andreeva, Bistra; Asu, Eva Liina; Daugavet, Anna; Beňuš, Štefan & Mády, Katalin (2020): Central and Eastern Europe. In: C. Gussenhoven & A. Chen (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody, Oxford: University Press, 225–235.
- White, Laurence; Benavides-Varela, Silvia & Mády, Katalin (2020): Are initial-consonant lengthening and final-vowel lengthening both universal word segmentation cues? Journal of Phonetics 81, Paper 100982.
- Reichel, Uwe D.; Beňuš, Štefan & Mády, Katalin (2018): Entrainment profiles: Comparison by gender, role, and feature set. Speech Communication 100, 46–57.
- Reichel, Uwe D.; Mády, Katalin & Beňuš, Štefan (2018): Acoustic profiles for prosodic headedness and constituency. Proc. 9th Speech Prosody, Poznań, 699–703. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Reichel, Uwe. D. & Szalontai, Ádám (2017): A prozódiai prominencia (nem-)jelölése a németben és a magyarban. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok 29, 77–98. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Kleber, Feliticas; Reichel, Uwe D. & Szalontai, Ádám (2016): The interplay of prominence and boundary strength: a comparative study. Proc. 12. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Munich. [download]
- Mády, Katalin & Reichel, Uwe D. (2016): How to distinguish between self- and other-directed wh-questions? Proc. 12. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Munich. [download]
- Szalontai, Ádám; Wagner, Petra; Mády, Katalin & Windmann, Andreas (2016): Teasing apart lexical stress and sentence accent in Hungarian and German. Proc. 12. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Munich. [download]
- Reichel, Uwe D. & Mády, Katalin (2016): How prominence and prosodic phrasing interact. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung, Dresden, 153–159. [download]
- Mády, Katalin & Bárkányi Zsuzsanna (2015): Voicing assimilation at accentual phrase boundaries in Hungarian. Proc. 18th ICPhS, Glasgow, paper 796. [download]
- Mády, Katalin (2015): Prosodic (non-)realisation of broad, narrow and contrastive focus in Hungarian: a production and a perception study. Proc. 16th Interspeech, Dresden, 948–952. [download]
- Reichel, Uwe D.; Mády, Katalin & Beňuš, Štefan (2015): Parameterization of prosodic headedness. Proc. 16th Interspeech, Dresden, 948–952. [download]
- Beňuš, Štefan; Reichel, Uwe D. & Mády, Katalin (2014): Modelling accentual phrase intonation in Slovak and Hungarian. In: Complex Visibles Out There. Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2014: Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Veselovská, L. & Janebová, M. (eds). Olomouc: Palacký University, 677–689. [download]
- Gyuris, Beáta & Mády, Katalin (2013): Approaching the prosody of Hungarian wh-exclamatives. In: P. Szigetvári (ed.), VLLXX: Papers presented to László Varga on his 70th birthday. ELTE, 333–339. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Gyuris, Beáta & Szalontai, Ádám (2013): Phrase-initial boundary tones in Hungarian interrogatives and exclamatives. Proc. 5th International Conference Prosody-Discourse Interface (IDP 2013), Leuven, Belgium, 69–73. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Szalontai, Ádám; Deme, Andrea & Surányi, Balázs (2013): On the interdependency of prosodic phrasing and prosodic prominence in Hungarian. Proc. 11th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, Piliscsaba, Hungary. 2 p. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Reichel, Uwe D. & Beňuš, Š. (2013): Prosodic phrasing and fixed word stress: a study on Hungarian and Slovak. Proc. 2nd Workshop Advancing Prosodic Transcription, Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, Lisbon. [download]
- Mády, Katalin & Kleber, Felicitas (2010): Variation of pitch accent patterns in Hungarian, 5th Speech Prosody Conference, Chicago. [download]
- Duběda, Tomáš & Mády, Katalin (2010): Nucleus position within the intonation phrase: a typological study of English, Czech and Hungarian, Interspeech, Makuhari. [download]
- Gyuris, Beáta & Mády, Katalin (2010): Contrastive topics between syntax and pragmatics in Hungarian: an experimental analysis,Chicago Linguistic Society. [download]
Prosody and emotions in infant-directed speech
- Kohári, Anna & Mády, Katalin (2023): A longitudinal study of pauses, interpausal units and clauses in infant-directed speech. Proc. 20th ICPhS, Prague, 2369–2373. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Gyuris, Beáta; Gärtner, Hans-Martin; Kohári, Anna; Szalontai, Ádám & Reichel, Uwe D. (2022): Perceived emotions in infant-directed narrative across time and speech acts. Proc. 11th Speech Prosody, Lisbon, 590–594. [download]
- Mády, Katalin; Reichel, Uwe; Kohári, Anna & Szalontai, Ádám (2021): The role of accommodation in expressing emotions to newborn babies. Proc. 1st TAI, Sonderborg, 249–253. [download]
Databases and automatic speech recognition
- Mihajlik, Péter; Mády, Katalin; Kohári, Anna; Vargha, Fruzsina Sára; Kiss, Gábor; Gráczi, Tekla Etelka & Doğruöz A. Seza (2024): Is Spoken Hungarian Low-resource?: A Quantitative Survey of Hungarian Speech Data Sets. Proc. LREC, Torino, 9382–9388. [download]
- Mihajlik, Péter; Kádár Máté Soma; Dobsinszki, Gergely; Yan, Meng; Meng, Kedalai; Linke, Julian; Fegyó Mády, Katalin (2023): What Kind of Multi- or Cross-lingual Pre-training is the most Effective for a Spontaneous, Less-resourced ASR Task? 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), Dublin, 58–62. [download]
- Mihajlik, Péter; Balog, András; Gráczi, Tekla Etelka; Kohári, Anna; Tarján, Balázs & Mády, Katalin (2022): BEA-Base: A Benchmark for ASR of Spontaneous Hungarian. Proc. LREC 9382–9388.Proc. LREC, Marseille, 1970–1977. [download]
Vowel quantity
- Mády, Katalin & Reichel, Uwe D. (2019): Analogy by frequency and functional load: possible reasons for the vowel length neutralisation process in Hungarian? In: B. Gyuris, K. Mády & G. Recski (eds.), K + K = 120 : Papers dedicated to László Kálmán and András Kornai on the occasion of their 60th birthdays. Budapest: Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RIL HAS), 369–384. [download]
- Mády, Katalin & Rácz, Péter (2013): Attitude as a dimension of sound change. Proc. 6th Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, Lisbon, 145–146. [download]
- Mády, K. (2010): Hungarian vowel quantity neutralisation as a poteantial social marker, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 57 (2–3), 167–188.
- Beňuš, Š. and Mády, K. (2010): Effects of lexical stress and speech rate on the quantity and quality of Slovak vowels, 5th Speech Prosody Conference, Chicago. [download]
- Mády, K. (2010): Shortening of long high vowels in Hungarian: a perceptual loss?, Proc. Sociophonetics at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication, Pisa. [download]
- Mády, K., Bombien, L. and Reichel, U. D. (2008): Is Hungarian losing the vowel quantity distinction?, Proc. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, Strasbourg. [download]
- White, L. and Mády, K. (2008): The long and the short and the final: phonological vowel length and prosodic timing in Hungarian, Proc. 4th Speech Prosody Conference, Campinas. [download]
- Mády, K. (2008): Magyar magánhangzók vizsgálata elektromágneses artikulográffal gyors és lassú beszédben, Beszédkutatás. [download]
- Mády, K. and Reichel, U. D. (2007): Quantity distinction in the Hungarian vowel system--just theory or also reality?, Proc. 15th ICPhS, Saarbrücken. [download] [confusion matrix for isolated vowels] [confusion matrix for embedded vowels]
- Reichel, U. D. and Mády, K. (2007): Comparing Human and Machine Vowel Classification, Proc. 15th ICPhS, Saarbrücken. [download]
- Mády, K., Tronka, K. Z. and Reichel, U. D. (2005): Syllable cut and energy contour in vowels: a comparative study on German and Hungarian, ZAS Papers in Linguistics. [download]
- Mády, K. and Beer, A. (2007): Articulatory parameters in consonant production after tumour surgery: a real-time MRI investigation, Archives of Acoustics 32. [download]
- Mády, K. (2004): Akustische, artikulatorische und perzeptive Parameter in der Konsonantenproduktion nach Zungenteilresektion, PhD thesis. [download]
- Mády, K. and Beer, A. (2004): A real-time MRI evaluation of consonant production after oral tumour surgery, Grazer Linguistische Studien. [download]
- Mády, K.; Sader, R.; Hoole, P.; Zimmermann, A. and Horch, H.-H. (2003): Speech evaluation and swallowing ability after intra-oral cancer, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. [download]
Other papers
- Maitz, P. and Mády, K. (2010): /t/ deletion in German braucht: auxiliarization process or phonetic necessity?, Proc. Experimental Approaches to the Perception and Production of Language Variation, Groningen. [extended version]
- Mády, K. (2008): Beszédpercepció és pszicholingvisztika, Pszicholingvisztikai kézikönyv. [download]
- Foidl, P. and Mády, K. (2003): Experimentelle Überprüfung der psycholinguistischen Relevanz von Konstituenten, Jahrbuch der Ungarischen Germanistik.
- Mády, K. (2001): Kontrastive Phonetik Deutsch-Ungarisch in Hinblick auf zu erwartende Interferenzphänomene, Festschrift für György Hell. [download]